How To Grow Your Own Food With Container Gardens And Raised Beds

How To Grow Your Own Food With Container Gardens And Raised Beds

  • Cindy Kocsis
  • 03/14/22

Summertime is just around the corner! It’s time for those fresh seasonal fruits, vegetables, and herbs to make their appearance in your local farmer’s markets and produce stands! But, if you can’t get enough of these delightful healthy greens, why not grow your own garden this year? Container gardens and raised beds are an attractive and easy way to grow your own food. 

The Dallas-Fort Worth area was ravished by the deep winter freeze of 2021. DFW also took a pounding from tornados and hail storms. This extreme weather caused widespread property damage to our beautiful Texas landscape. In your plans to rebuild and boost your summer landscape, the addition of edible gardens will help you achieve a healthier lifestyle and beautify your property.

Planning Your Garden

If you are new to gardening, you will need to do some research. Creating a new garden from scratch isn’t as simple as digging some dirt and planting a few seeds. However, it doesn’t take a lot of skills or a “green thumb.” You just need to know the basics of how to grow the foods you want to plant in your garden. Some things to consider before you get started are:

How much space do you have to create container gardens or raised beds?  

You don’t have to have a lot of space in your backyard. You can even grow some plants on your porch or in your home!

Think about what foods you want to enjoy over the next few months.  

What foods will you actually eat often? If you are new to gardening, you may want to start with some of the easiest fruits and vegetables for beginners to grow.

Consider how many people will be eating which type of food.  

If you are a family of two, you won’t need ten tomato plants unless you plan to consistently give a lot away or sell it at a produce stand. If you have a larger family and you are the only one who likes cucumbers, it might be best only to grow a small number of cucumber plants to avoid waste. Grow more of the types of food your family will eat more often.

Learn about the maintenance involved in each type of food. 

Some plants require very little attention once they get started, but others may need more. Become aware of the types of pests that may visit your garden and how to control them. You may need to prepare your soil. Learn how much to water the plants and when to harvest them. 

Consider if you will plant from seeds or plants that have already been started for you.  

It’s easier to grow vegetables from plants that have been started rather than seed. However, if you start the plants from seed, you will need to decide if you will start them in pots or in the ground. 

What type of garden space is best for you?  

Do you want to start a traditional garden plot located in a patch of land that is in full sunlight and rich soil? Do you want a container garden or a raised bed? Or would you rather keep it small and grow your food in pots?

Container Gardens Vs. Raised Garden Beds

If you have rocky or sandy soil, you may want to consider a container garden or a raised garden bed. However, there is a difference between the two:

If you are looking for an easier way to garden, an elevated raised bed is a great way to get started. You can enjoy gardening without bending down and kneeling on the ground, which is good for those with arthritis or disabilities. There will be less chance of pests damaging your plants, and no weeds! You can create a beautiful garden right on your patio or porch, if you have enough sunlight.

Patio containers and planters are an excellent choice if you do not have much space to garden. You can grow your food either in individual pots or a larger container. They are great for growing salad vegetables, herbs, even strawberries. 

Gardening can be a relaxing hobby and it’s a great way to always have healthy food on hand. Watching your plants grow over time into delicious food can truly be a rewarding experience.

What types of food will you grow in your garden this year?


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